:30 TV
Del Monte Fresh
​In a world full of sugar-laden energy drinks, we wanted to remind people that fresh fruit is the best source of energy.
This "Fuels Greatness" campaign features a runner, a basketball player and a busy Mom. All fueled by Del Monte fresh fruit.
The videos not only ran on TV and online, but they were shown at the American Airlines arena during Miami Heat games. Which are loud! So we made sure the spots worked with and without audio. Visuals alone tell the “Fuels Greatness” story.
Arena LED Signs
Arena LED Signs

Del Monte Fresh
The Great Snack Swap
For Del Monte Fresh, we created and launched 'the Great Snack Swap" - an efffort to revolutionize what our children get out of vending machines.
The goal is to convince schools to swap out unhealthy snacks for fresh fruit and vegetables. The print ad seen here is part of an integrated campaign involving public relations, events and trade advertising.
The box is a direct mail piece-a scaled down version of a DelMonte Fresh vending machine. Inside the box is a coin inviting the recipient to redeem the coin for a fresh vending item at a trade show.