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Anchor 1

AvMed Health Plans

Branding: WELLfluent Campaign

AvMed is celebrating a different kind of ‘rich.’  Being rich in what really matters— health and happiness. That’s what AvMed calls WELLfluent.


In this video, we want people to be caught off guard by the juxtaposition of a fun, wholesome family doing an authentic WELLfluent rap. And help inspire and entertain them. 


Millennials are redefining what it means to be successful and wealthy. And AvMed is on board by supporting their member’s efforts to live a WELLfluent life.


Downtown Wallscape

:60 Radio

AvMed - Listening
AvMed - Local

Logo Redesign

Online banner

AvMed Health Plans


This branding campaign introduced our new logo and  tagline, "Embrace better health." BSG exceeded Commercial and Medicare goals each of the past 5 years for this regional plan.

Anchor 2

Embrace better health

Anchor 3

AvMed Health Plans

Station Takeover

Located at Government Center in Miami, this station takeover targeted Federal employees who travel via mass transit. These interactive displays, intended to make wellness fun, engaged passers-by and made AvMed top-of-mind during the annual enrollment period.

Stairway Atrium
Interactive Floor Decal
Interactive Floor Decal
Interactdive Floor Decal
Interactive Floor Decal
Train Platform Elevator Doors
Train Platform Poster
Train Platform Column
Train Platform Column
Train Platform Banner
Photo Opp Wall
Photo Opp Wall
Photo Opp Wall
Photo Opp Wall
Photo Opp Wall
Photo Opp Wall
Entrance Gates
Entrance Gates Banner
Digital Train Schedule

AvMed Health Plans

Medicare Direct Response

“Direct Response” conjures up all kinds of advertising formulas and cliches, especially when talking to seniors. We’ve always approached direct response differently; built around emotional truths. And this campaign is no exception. 


The 2018 Medicare campaign speaks to today’s young senior in frank language they can relate to. It asks provocative questions we know seniors think about but may not ask out loud. The advertising kicks off a conversation about retirement, living WELLfluent and choosing Medicare coverage. That’s why we call this year’s Medicare campaign “Thought Starters.” 

Print ad

Direct Mail

Online Banner ads

Facebook ads

Anchor 4


2915 Biscayne Blvd.

Suite 200-57

Miami, FL 33137

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