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Don’t be a BocaSucia: BSG Creates Cheeky Campaign Urging Floridians to Wear Masks – Includes New Spin on Local Lingo and Guest Appearance from Comedic Sensation Jenny Lorenzo –


Beber Silverstein Group (BSG), a Miami-based, award-winning advertising, marketing, digital and public relations firm, has created a humorous and lighthearted PSA about a very serious subject. The agency is using its local influence, old school marketing experience and new school mentality to create a campaign to appeal to young adults in South Florida—now the COVID epicenter of the world—and convince them to wear their masks in public.


“Generic ‘wear a mask’ commercials and alarming news segments don't seem to be changing the behavior of those who refuse to wear masks correctly and consistently,” said BSG Creative Director Joe Perz. “So we created a campaign that we believe will resonate with our target audience of young adults and, hopefully, change behavior.”


BSG’s Boca Sucia campaign may raise a few eyebrows, but is sure to catch the attention of South Florida’s young adults who fear the moniker, pata sucia. Just like pata sucia, or dirty feet, is a local expression given to someone who takes of their shoes in public, boca sucia, or dirty mouth, is meant to serve as one for those who take off their masks in public, or refuse to wear a mask at all.


The Boca Sucia campaign has the potential to become the next trending topic in South Florida as young adults take notice and change behavior to avoid being a cliché Boca Sucia by wearing their mask in public to protect themselves and others.


As part of the campaign, the team created a PSA video of comedic, young South Floridians explaining what they think a boca sucia is, and urging people not to be one. The agency secured a guest appearance from Jenny Lorenzo from ‘Pero Like,’ who has made dozens of comedic videos about pata sucia and other popular Hispanic-South Floridian lingo. BSG is also designing Don’t Be a #BocaSucia masks that they will distribute to the public.


“This PSA is disguised as a funny video meant for entertainment, but actually carries an important and serious underlying message,” said Christine Bucan, executive vice president of public relations at BSG., “We are using local influencers and comedy to reach our younger demographic to get a life-saving message across to them.”


2915 Biscayne Blvd.

Suite 200-57

Miami, FL 33137

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